Monday, April 2, 2012

My Babydog is Gone

I don't know how to describe the pain of losing your best friend. My little Loki has been gone since March 30, 2012. How could something like this happen?
Loki's Reward Poster

Loki is a beautiful blond-orange Pomeranian. He is seven years old. We had both been spending more time outside with the weather improving. We went to Piro's for lunch and Cottons several times for dinner.

On the night of his disappearance we went out to Cantina Agave and then to B&C for a late night. Loki was loved by all who met him.

Late that evening Loki and I took a taxi home. We arrived at the apartment complex and Loki followed me inside. I went directly to the elevator but Loki decided to walk right back out the gate and into the night. I noticed he was not in the elevator and went back out to find him. He was no where to be seen.

I could not go to work that day. Instead I searched for my dog. We made posters offering a 5000 RMB reward and put them up around the neighborhood. We watched security cameras at the police station and at our apartments which showed Loki walking in and out of the complex. We put advertisements into Chinese newspapers and contacted animal rescue websites. Our local policeman contacted the residential committee and hopefully put a poster up with them. I have been lurking in the dog park all hours of the day with a poster of Loki next to me. I placed posters on pet shop windows and local animal hospitals. We even contacted a private investigator but they couldn't do anything more than we have already done.
Ad in a Chinese Newspaper
Ad in another paper
So far we have had a few bites. Unfortunately, none of the leads led to Loki. Also, most of our posters were removed because apparently they were against the rules. It is starting to feel hopeless. Obviously someone wanted a perfect dog like him pretty badly and now they do.
I have cried day and night. My baby is all I can think of. I feel like it is all my fault for losing him. Should have, would have, could have....

I blame myself. I hate everyone around me who has their dog in their arms. I hate Chinese people and China in general because they do nothing to help and there are no animal shelters to look for Loki in. And then I realize how terrible I am to think these things so I cry again. I want someone to blame and I feel like lashing out.

I see Loki's face everywhere and everything reminds me of things we would do together. Every time a dog barks, I hear him.

Please can someone bring him back to me. Please can Loki come home. He is my whole world.

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