Thursday, April 5, 2012

Loki's Triumphant Return

The door slammed shut with a deafening crash. The wind howled through the streets and apartment complex, rattling windows and doors, making the whole building shudder. Lightning flashed and lit up the sky, followed by booming roars of thunder, and torrential rain. Where had the sunny day gone? The weather forecast said nothing about this freak typhoon. Imagine this as the setting for Loki's return.

The night began with an amazing homemade Indian dinner at our friends' apartment in our old complex in Gubei. Sumptuous chicken, delicious vegetables, cheese cake and berries for dessert, and drinks.

Djorf's phone rings. "Ni hao?" The conversation continues and we ascertain that someone has called about Loki. In twenty minutes we are supposed to meet this strange man near our home by the police station. We said our hurried goodbyes to Archena and Andrew, thanking them profusely for the tasty meal, promising to text them if this dog was the real Loki.

In the pouring rain we hailed a taxi and sped off to the meeting place. As Djorf and I stood in the rain, feelings of doubt raced through my mind. Is this some kind of cruel prank? Did someone steal another dog that is just a Loki-look-alike? Will he even show up?

First Contact
After a few eternal minutes in the rain, a car pulls up. A nice-looking Chinese man steps out and waves us over. In the back seat of the car is a little boy, his son, and in the front seat...Loki! I have never felt so much relief and emotion wash over me. I was elated seeing my little dog safely kept and loved by his family of three days. I learned that the man had picked Loki up after seeing him on the street Friday morning. They had kept Loki safe, loved him, and fed him (maybe a little too much food, he has gained several pounds). Then Monday, his wife saw one of the posters so he called us. The man's wife and son were devastated to see Loki go home but knew it was the right thing to do. We told the man's son he could come visit Loki whenever he wanted. I am so thankful to have my baby-dog back.

We gave him the reward money and hopefully he will get his son a dog. I can't believe how lucky I am to have Loki back. I won't ever let him out of sight or off his leash again. I need to remove all the posters and email everyone who helped me. All their hard work and mine paid off. There are some good people out there.

Loki's homecoming is one of the happiest moments of my life.


  1. So happy you got him back Mandy! Give Loki a lick for us :-)
    <3 Jordana

  2. I know, can you believe it? He is one lucky dog. I am keeping him close, the little sneak.
